Thursday, July 21, 2011

Paradise Island Special Prizes Awards Cheats

*Credits to binarydig2 and for the following cheats:

1) Lord of excitement - at the same time build 3 Pearl Сasinos

2) The Great Pyramids - built at the same time
3 Egyptian pyramids

3) Amusement park - build 2 Ferris wheels at the same time

4) Only the sun - get rid of the noise of the blades. Instead of wind turbines and generators build a solar electric station. demolish the windmills

5) Following the Montgolfier brothers - build three balloons at one time

6) Bowling Master - build both all 3 Bowling Clubs at one time

7) Hot Dog fan award - buy 15 hotdog stands

8) Gift shop award - buy 15 gift shops

More Easy Awards

Leave the screen on for 3 hour
This gives you $5000

Plant 5 flowers ( costs $1500)
This gives you $3000 plus 200 XP

Move your buildings 20 times
This gives you $1500 and 50XP

Other achievements

Quick -- Did something 5 times in a moment (you need to use golden piastres)

Profit hunter -- Build 3 special facilities
These are the buildings which can only be bought with the golden piastres

Careful & Lucky -- Hit green or yellow buck so many times
To get these awards, you must hit the buck icon straight after it appears -- be quick!

Secret Achievements

Hot Dog Fan - Build 15 Hot Dog Shops in a row
Simple Solutions Fan - Build 15 Cabins
Trifles Fan - Build 15 Gift Stores
Spa Salons Fan - Build 10 Sunny Centres
Mega party-goer - Build 10 Discos
Aristocrat - Build 3 Golf Courses
Casinos Fan
Altitude Lover
We remember about the defender
Amusement Park
Great Pyramids
Lord of excitement - build 3 pearl casinos at the same time
Master of Bowling -- build both all 3 Bowling Clubs at one time
Following the Montgolfier Brothers -- I don't know yet


  1. Remember the defender is 3 golden defender monuments the pyramid is 3 pyramids and the amusement park is 2 farms wheels

  2. Does anyone know the new secret awards-
    "The dictator",
    & The thanksgiving event for-

  3. Anyone know how to get tje blue prints for the newest up date?

    1. Yes, u get the ones the girl is asking for at cleaning ur friends bildings, at every friends island u can find 3 to clean, just keep on cleaning and after a while the blue prints apear when u check when u klick on the girl. It took me a while to get the secent one, if ur talking about the other blue prints u can get them at the shop where the guy is and ul need rings and pearls wish r expansif but if u give the idol -
      250 000 u get rings
      100 000 pearls
      And anything under like
      1 000 u get the other ones

  4. Trying to figure out The banana plantation, Liana jungle, Oak grove, Master of construction, Luxurious, altitude lover, and 1 copy of each.

    Also add me Buckeye Al

  5. Addme- JoeM8877 -
    Ok. Does anyone know the idol secret number achievement?

    If you have the world wonder, buy casinos and they will drop resources, 5 for the crystal casino achievement.

    Also for scrolls 100000 for pearls
    200000+ gold
    Large amounts leave scrolls and piasters.

    1. 131,000 is the idol secret Number! 250000 for gold!

  6. Add me: Crimson Chrissy
    Thanks for all the great info... very helpful!

  7. Altitude lover - build 2 galaxy restaurants!

  8. I am having trouble being able to repait the house on the beach. I have more than 15000 and it doesn't do anything when I hit accept. I even am on level 9. Please help?

  9. thx for the info .. damn addictive game ^_^ add me DeathChukee

  10. Anyone know how you get the 'great administrator' secret award?

  11. Add me: c66b18 x

  12. Need more friends? So do I - edsloan69

  13. Add me peace and quiet

  14. Add me dexo2012

  15. Hey add me please!!! Mimi002 thanks!!

  16. Add me: AZ girl

    A lot of your island names don't work....

  17. Liana many do I need to plant?

  18. Banana plantations is 20 of the banana plants and you need to plant I think 30 lianas for the liana jungle award.

  19. Why can't I add friends? It says every name I enter is invalid.....I even tried to publish my friend code ccd9co someone please help

  20. What is the fast money award?

  21. Please add DanDornLand to your friends list.


  22. please add me picnicnicnic

  23. Add me emr707. Need more neighbors so that I can level up faster and get more awards!! Thanks!

  24. anyone get the peace and quiet award? you can't build 40 cottages as it's maximum 20... can't figure it out.

    1. You have to build the smaller cottages. 20 of them, then demolish them, and build 20 more.

  25. Plz add me


    Katrina island

    Many thanks :D

  26. In need of friends. Please add 8062a6

  27. Need friends ::: nataly530

  28. Need friends, please add CMurc.
    Thanks so much!

  29. Ad me. plus dus code bbd8c1

  30. ad me friend code 21d866

  31. receive free Piastres: ad me, friend code 21d866

  32. Does anyone know how to come across the crystals without paying an arm and leg for the gold things?

  33. lazybones - leave 20 building unrepaired
    oak grove - plant 10 oak grove
    liana jungle - plant 30 lianas
    banana plantation - plant 30 banana palm trees

  34. Please add me Thing1time. Thankyou

  35. Looking for friends to clean their homes.

  36. Anyone know about the secret of divin servnt

  37. Anyone know what the devotie award is?

  38. how do i become a divine servant and devotee and like my island please f2d25a
